Chris Butler
Redeeming the Golden Hour:
Saving Lives Through a Unified Public Safety Response to Active Shooter Incidents
A 33-year law enforcement veteran, Chris is currently an Inspector with the Calgary Police Service in Calgary, Alberta, Canada an agency of over 2,200 sworn officers policing approximately 1.2 million people
During Chris’ law enforcement career, he has been a member of the Public Safety Unit for over 12 years and during this time was involved in conducting risk assessments and planning operational tactics for events such as the World Petroleum Congress and the G8 Summit. Chris was also deployed to Toronto for the G20 Summit.
Chris has an extensive background in law enforcement use of force and has been certified as an instructor or instructor trainer in numerous firearms, combatives, less lethal/chemical agents and emergency vehicle operation disciplines. In addition, Chris has training in special event risk management and close personal protection. Chris is currently a National Trainer for NLETC.
Chris currently serves on the Rescue Task Force Committee for the International Public Safety Association (IPSA). Whose mandate is to develop a best-practices interoperability framework for police, fire and ems response to criminally-caused mass casualty incidents.
For the past year Chris has led the development of the interoperability Incident Command program involving police, Fire and EMS agencies in Calgary, Alberta a City of 1.2 million citizens.
Chris is the owner of Raptor Protection and Safety Services Inc. a company dedicated to the delivery of cutting edge risk assessment and public safety training. For over 12 years Chris has delivered training to organizations and corporations, including law enforcement, fire departments, military and health care sectors, from coast to coast.
Chris can be contacted at
Historical public safety agency responses to criminally-caused mass casualty incidents, such as active shooter attacks, are typically fractured and lacking in a focussed and unified approach. As a result, and as made evident by recent events, many citizens who have been shot and sustained survivable gun shot wounds, will die from blood loss at the point of wounding before receiving proper medical care. Recently, several major municipalities in North America have began to change this paradigm by bringing law enforcement, fire and EMS leaders together to develop interoperability incident command training and rescue task force concepts. In this session Chris will introduce the work being undertaken by the International Public Safety Association's Rescue Task Force Committee to develop a 'best practices' guide to assist agencies to get beyond current organizational cultural barriers and develop their own Interoperability programs.