WELCOME TO WINx Appleton 2017

Think Differently about training.

This fall Xperience Xcellence at W.I.N.X 

WINX Chicago 2017 Sponsored by Guardian Tracking

Joe Willis - US Army MP (ret.) - Leadership Trainer

In this must seel talk from WINx Chicago 2017 sponsored by Guardian Tracking, Joe Willis talks about leadership and mentoring.

Connie Fraser - Calgary Police Dept. Dispatcher and Trainer

In this talk from WINx Chicago 2017 sponsored by Guardian Tracking, Connie Fraser talks about the trauma our dispatchers and civilian employees face.

Harold Love - Michigan State Police Department

In this powerful talk from WINx Chicago 2017, Captain Harold Love (ret.) talks about police and community relations; respecting the differences that define us.

Chris Hsiung - Mountain View, California PD

In this talk from WINx Chicago 2017 sponsored by Guardian Tracking, Chris Hsiung walks us through the importance and role of social media in connecting with our communities.

Richard Martin - Professor of Criminal Justice, Keuka College

In this inspiring talk from WINx Chicago 2017 sponsored by Guardian Tracking Professor Richard Martin discusses leadership.

Maryanne Pope - Author of "A Widow's Awakening"

In this talk from WINx Chicago 2017 sponsored by Guardian Tracking, Maryanne Pope  takes us behind the scenes of a line of duty death - a police widow's perspective.

Tarrick McGuire - Creator of the 'Mentoring Arlington Youth' Program

In this powerful talk from WINx Chicago 2017 sponsored by Guardian Tracking, Tarrick McGuire talks about being a Police Officer with Black Sons: Bridging Community Police Relations.

Jonathan Parker - Host of "Watch Your Six" Podcast

In this powerful talk from WINx Chicago 2017, Jonathan Parker talks about overcoming challenges and the need for mentoring.