WELCOME TO WINx Appleton 2017

Think Differently about training.

This fall Xperience Xcellence at W.I.N.X 

WINx Chicago 2015 Talks

Charles "Chip" Huth - Police Captain + SWAT Team Commander + Author

In this powerful WINx talk Captain Charles Huth talk about the importance of respect and community in the law enforcement profession.

In this powerful WINx talk Captain Charles Huth talk about the importance of respect and community in the law enforcement profession. For more information about WINx and to get information about our next event please visit

Jamey Gadoury - Leadership Consultant + Keynote Speaker

Using the story of his experience serving in the military in Iraq and transition into civilian life, Jamey Gadoury walks viewers through the importance of identity.

Melissa Agnes - Crisis Communications Expert - Agnes + Day

In this talk Melissa Agnes, Crisis Communications expert and consultant, shares her thoughts about the need to get ahead of stories before we lose control of them. Melissa shares lessons learned by walking us through the social media during the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Sergeant Kevin Briggs (ret.) - California Highway Patrol

Sergeant Kevin Briggs (ret.), California Highway Patrol earned the title Guardian of the Golden Gate by talking more than 200 people out of dying by suicide from the bridge. In this talk, Kevin speaks about mental illness, courageous conversations and how we can help. For more information about WINx and to see a schedule of future events, please visit us at

Daniel Linskey - Superintendent in Chief (ret.) Boston Police Department

In this powerful WINx talk, retired Superintendent in Chief Daniel Linskey of the Boston Police Department talks about law enforcement relationships with the community and within our organizations. Chief Linskey was the incident commander for Boston PD during the city's response to the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Mark Fallon - Interrogation Expert + Retired NCIS Special Agent

In this powerful talk former NCIS Special Agent Mark Fallon talks about government torture and reminds us of the importance of the oath of office.

John Bostain - Co-Owner + Lead Instructor - Command Presence Training

In this powerful talk, John Bostain talks about the importance of community relationships, trust and mentoring. As a police officer in Virginia, John become a mentor for a young man and the relationship drastically altered both if their lives. For more information or to register for the next WINx event, click HERE.

Patrick Van Horne, Captain (ret.), US Marine Corp + Author of Left of Bang

Patrick Van Horne discusses the need for law enforcement to identify and act on potential threats before they happen. Watch this talk inspired by Patrick's work in the US Marine Corp Combat Hunter program and his book Left of Bang. For more information about WINx or to sign up for our 2016 event CLICK HERE.

Brian Willis, Co-Founder WINx + Winning Mind Training

Brian Willis discusses "The Secret" and the power of "What's Important Now" in policing at the inaugural WINx: Inspiring Excellence in Law Enforcement event. For more information or to register for our next WINx event CLICK HERE.